Eye tracking & e-learning: what and how do students see
Rakoczi, Gergely
Rakoczi, Gergely
Dr Gergely Rakoczi, Head of Digital Teaching & Learning at TU Wien, presents his research on eye tracking in the context of e-learning – specifically, the eye movements of learners during interaction with Moodle courses – and shares some interesting outcomes from these studies. He reflects on the methodology of eye tracking and the possibilities of this approach for enhancing online course design. His research topics of interest are e-learning design, eye movement analysis, user interface design (Moodle), multimedia learning, education with virtual reality and 360-degree content, and technology-enhanced teaching in general.
Research webinar presentation to Hibernia College on 18 May 2022 (video and presentation slides)
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Research Projects
Organizational Units
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e-learning, eye tracking, interface design, VLE