Hibernia College Teaching, Learning and Assessment Strategy
Cummins, Denis
Cummins, Denis
The Hibernia College Teaching, Learning and Assessment Strategy has been developed by a working group of
the Hibernia College Academic Board and involved extensive consultation with stakeholders including students,
Alumni, Faculty and external stakeholders. This Strategy has been developed during a period of great change in
Irish society generally but particularly in higher education. These changes include a greater diversification of the
student body, greater than ever demand for flexible learning and a move to a performance-based funding model
for Higher Education Authority (HEA) funded institutions. Alongside this, the National Forum for the Enhancement
of Teaching and Learning was established by the Minister for Education and Skills to enhance the quality of the
learning experience for all students at third level, be they full-time, part-time or flexible learners.
The Strategy sets out six distinctive attributes of Hibernia College’s graduates that go beyond disciplinary or
technical knowledge. It then establishes the six Hibernia College’s Teaching, Learning and Assessment Priority
Areas and concludes with a commitment to providing the best possible learning experiences and to producing
highly employable graduates.
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Research Projects
Organizational Units
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teaching, learning, assessment