Recent Submissions

  • Partnership in Work Integrated Learning: The Efficacy of a Partnership Model in Facilitating School Placement Based Learning and Assessment

    Casey, Elva; Hibernia College; Hibernia College (Infonomics Society, 2024-07-07)
    Work integrated learning (WIL) is an educational approach that integrates learning with practical work experiences. Within the structure of Initial Teacher Education (ITE) in the Republic of Ireland, WIL is facilitated through School Placement (SP). SP is widely recognised as sitting at the fulcrum of ITE. It is primarily valued by partners in education as the opportunity to put learnt pedagogy and foundational knowledge into practice within a school setting and as such is a form of authentic assessment. Moreover, it is an opportunity for student teachers (STs) to become socialised into the profession as active partners in educational practice. The Teaching Council, as the regulator of the teaching profession in the Republic of Ireland, has emphasised the role of the ST as researcher and pedagogical collaborator, moving the focus of SP away from a singular consideration of practice within the classroom and towards a whole school and system wide approach. This expands the potential scope of SP towards a reciprocal relationship whereby the ST has agency to impact on the actions of the site of practice by sharing new and emerging practice and pedagogy from their research and studies. However, beyond these lofty ideals, SP is a formative assessment and determines the success of STs in obtaining their professional qualifications. Given the centrality of SP to ITE, the prevailing lack of consistency and clarity around the partnership model, the roles of partners and the future of SP, are worthy of exploration. This paper presents current doctoral research and preliminary results on the impact of the partnership model on the efficacy of SP as a robust form of assessment and proposes the introduction of a new SP partnership framework
  • Building a Community of Practice for Academic Integrity Workshop

    Casey, Elva; O'Dowd, Irene; Byrne, Ann (2023)
    This workshop was delivered at the second annual HECA research conference held in DBS Dublin on November 14th, 2023. The presentation outlined the establishment of a community of practice (CoP) for academic Integrity at Hibernia College. Participants were invited to discuss setting up a CoP within their own organisations.
  • Pathways to Academic Integrity: Supporting Students through a Community of Practice Approach

    Casey, Elva (2023-07-14)
    This paper charts the establishment and holistic development of a college-wide Community of Practice (CoP) on Academic Integrity at Hibernia College (HC), a Higher Education Institution (HEI) provider of blended learning in Ireland. The establishment of the CoP was initially motivated by a perceived need to address potential increased risks of academic misconduct in light of developments in generative artificial intelligence. However, a literature review, collaborative faculty discussions and facilitation of focus groups with students across HC programmes, re-directed the focus of the CoP towards addressing the potentially punitive nature of academic integrity policies, procedures and their implementation and co-creating student supports. This re-aligned the work of the CoP towards a collaborative academic integrity policy review informed by Bretag et al.’s (2011) five core elements of exemplary policy and towards co-creation of resources to support students in their own practices. This represents more holistic approaches to policy design and strategy which authentically engage students with academic integrity practices. The conceptual framework presented by Wenger et al. (2011) for promoting and assessing value creation in communities and networks and the cycle of value creation is utilised by the CoP. In sharing this process, participants will learn how a co-creation, CoP approach to fostering and facilitating an Academic Integrity culture could be applicable to their institutions and support the deconstructing of ambiguous policy into accessible resources.
  • Hibernia College Student Charter

    Hibernia College
    The Student Charter provides a framework that allows Hibernia College’s staff, faculty, extended academic community and student body to collaborate, innovate and thrive in an environment of mutual respect and structured support. Its purpose is to establish the context in which all members of the Hibernia College community can adhere to standards of excellence and codes of professional conduct during all operational and pedagogical activities whilst always enshrining integrity, empathy and understanding as the principles of our communications.
  • Hibernia College Teaching, Learning and Assessment Strategy

    Hibernia College
    The Hibernia College Teaching, Learning and Assessment Strategy has been developed by a working group of the Hibernia College Academic Board and involved extensive consultation with stakeholders including students, Alumni, Faculty and external stakeholders. This Strategy has been developed during a period of great change in Irish society generally but particularly in higher education. These changes include a greater diversification of the student body, greater than ever demand for flexible learning and a move to a performance-based funding model for Higher Education Authority (HEA) funded institutions. Alongside this, the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning was established by the Minister for Education and Skills to enhance the quality of the learning experience for all students at third level, be they full-time, part-time or flexible learners. The Strategy sets out six distinctive attributes of Hibernia College’s graduates that go beyond disciplinary or technical knowledge. It then establishes the six Hibernia College’s Teaching, Learning and Assessment Priority Areas and concludes with a commitment to providing the best possible learning experiences and to producing highly employable graduates.
  • Hibernia College Quality Framework

    Hibernia College
    The Hibernia College Quality Framework reflects the College’s ongoing commitment to international best practice through a range of mechanisms that seek to continually monitor, review, and enhance our programmes and our College. The Quality Framework is regularly reviewed for its effectiveness. Input from key stakeholders such as students, staff, employers and faculty is an important dimension of our Framework. This ongoing involvement of all internal and external stakeholders is emphasised throughout the policy and procedure documents.
  • Applying the National Professional Development Framework in Higher Education Institutions

    O'Reilly, Áine; Smyth, Justin; Ní Bheoláin, Ruth; HECA (Higher Education College’s Association (HECA), 2021)
    The purpose of this resource is to provide background to the rationale for taking this approach to applying the PD Framework in institutions, and to provide a set of tools that can be used by both individuals and institutions to explore professional development through the lens of the PD Framework.
  • Developing Enabling QA Frameworks for Blended Learning

    Ní Bheoláin, Ruth; Harrison, Ronnie (2020)
    A strong culture of quality that promotes sustainable stakeholder engagement ultimately underpins quality resilience, that is, the ability of our quality frameworks to support dynamic environments in times of challenge and uncertainty. This article suggests areas for providers to focus on as they continue to develop the capacity of their QA frameworks to support the delivery of blended learning.