Carley, William2024-05-142024-05-142023 submitted in partial fulfilment of the award of Professional Master of Education in Primary/Post-PrimaryThis research project explored ways in which educational engagement rates could be improved for students from the Travelling community. Using a qualitative approach, data was collected using five semi-structured interviews. Teachers who participated were asked about the problems causing low engagement rates for Traveller students in their schools and what pedagogies were effective in tackling this issue from their perspective. The data collected indicated a number of pedagogies that could be used specifically to improve the educational engagement of students from the Travelling community however it also highlighted the room for further improvement and development in the area.enengagementTravelling communitypedagogiespost-primary educationImproving Educational Engagement in the Travelling Community: Effective Pedagogies to Ensure the Achievement of Learning OutcomesThesis