Lenehan, JohnLynam, AoifeMcCoy, Selina2022-07-262022-07-262019http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.13012/123This paper follows on from a previously published article, “A case for using Swivl for Digital Observation in an Online or Blended Learning Environment”, which can be found at https://onlineinnovationsjournal.com/streams/editor-s-choice-articles/257b3bad622549a6.htmlThis paper is a follow-up article on the examination of the use of digital video to enhance professional development for online and blended learning programs in higher education. Our first article published on IJIOE presented a case for using Swivl robot for digital observation. The article provides particular reference to initial teacher education (ITE) and pre-service teachers. The results of a pilot study are examined to evidence pre-service teachers use of Swivl to self-reflect during school placement (i.e., time spent teaching in a classroom as part of an assessment). The results from the study provide strong evidence that the digital video footage created by pre-service teachers in order to self-reflect was highly supportive in developing their self-reflective practice and provides an overview of the usefulness of the technology employed. A more detailed overview of the project methodology can be found in our first paper: “A case for using Swivl for Digital Observation in an Online or Blended Learning Environment”. The aim of this paper is to provide the findings of this pilot study, its effectiveness within a blended learning college, and provide recommendations for those wishing to use similar technology.enSwivlclassroomdigital observationvideoprofessional developmentThe Results: Using Swivl for Digital Observation in an Online or Blended Learning EnvironmentArticle