Whitaker, TeresaKenny, Martin2023-06-262023-06-262016http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.13012/156This paper reports on a Master's module on intercultural education. It explores current laws and policies on intercultural education. It examines the assessment of the module and presents three exemplar essays in which primary school teachers effectively implemented the intercultural guidelines in the classroom relating to ethnicity, religion and Traveller identity. The Intercultural Education Strategy recommends that teachers learn about intercultural education in order to promote a society based on values and principles so that human rights and democracy are safeguarded. The paper concludes that teachers internalised the key tenets of intercultural education, were reflective and reflexive practitioners and engaged in classroom strategies to educate young children on the importance of respecting diversity.enIrelandIntercultural educationDiversityTravellersEthnicityReligionPolicyAssessing Students' Journeys From Theory To Practice In Intercultural EducationArticle